1. Problem gambling is defined as gambling that is disruptive or damaging to you or your family, or interferes with your daily life. Most people in the UK gambled or played the lottery in the last year - activities like playing the lottery once or twice a week aren’t harmful.
  2. The Causes of Compulsive Gambling Experts claim that several factors contribute to compulsive gambling. People can be addicted to gambling not because they have a lot of money. The truth is that most people who addicted to gambling are people who have a financial problem.
  3. Gambling is a problem if it causes problems. Myth: Problem gambling is not really a problem if the gambler can afford it. Fact: Problems caused by excessive gambling are not just financial. Too much time spent on gambling can also lead to relationship and legal problems, job loss, mental health problems including depression and anxiety,.

Problem gambling is any gambling, betting or wagering that causes family, financial, legal, emotional or other problems for the individual, their family or others. Gambling problems can be mild, or quite severe, and can worsen over time.

More specifically, gambling addiction may be caused by a mental health condition known as obsessive-compulsive disorder. The obsessive part of the condition refers to a person thinking obsessively about a single subject; in this case, gambling.

Often recognized by the term ‘Gambling Disorder’, and previously known as compulsive gambling or pathological gambling, this issue was first recognized as an ‘Impulse Control Disorder’ by the American Psychiatric Association in 1980 as a result of the pioneering work of Robert Custer M.D.

Gambling Disorder is now classified in the “Addiction and Related Disorders” category in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, fifth edition, published by the American Psychiatric Association. This disorder is identified as a persistent and recurrent problematic gambling behavior that has lead to clinically significant impairment or distress.


While millions of Americans, and hundreds of thousands of Pennsylvanians experiencing gambling related problems, it is important to know that help is available.

Source: National Council on Problem Gambling

Every person’s gambling addiction story is different. Some problem gamblers started to make money, others began because it was a good distraction from other emotional or physical issues, and many people crave the thrill gambling creates due to chance of winning money or other prizes.

But those early stages of gambling can all lead to serious problems as the addiction takes over other aspects of life, including financial, domestic and workplace behaviors.

Are you struggling with problem gambling, and don’t know what caused it? Addictions are hard to overcome, and you may often be asked by family, friends, and other acquaintances,

“Why can’t you stop gambling?”


“What made you start?”

“Look at what is happening – Why are you still doing it?”

And while it’s very frustrating to be asked those questions all the time, it can be even more stressful if you don’t know the answer yourself: What caused my problem gambling addiction?


Anyone – of any age, gender, ethnicity and background – can be at risk of development problem gambling.

Older people are more likely to gamble on a weekly basis, but young adults are almost three times as likely to have experienced problem gambling in the past year. Problem gamblers are all ages, though more people develop gambling problems while in their 20s and 30s than those who develop addictions in their 50s and 60s.

If you took a poll on the street, you’d find that just as many women are likely to have gambled in the past year as males. That said, males are three times more likely to experience problem gambling.

People across most ethnicities are equally likely to have gambled on a weekly basis. Studies have shown Blacks and Hispanics were almost twice as likely as Whites to have experience problem gambling.

Problem gamblers hold all levels of employment, are married and unmarried, and have all kinds of medical records, from healthy to having histories of substance use disorders and other medical issues.

Risk Factors

Gambling opportunities are not hard to find. You can gamble at home using the phone or internet, or go to the grocery store and purchase lottery tickets. You can visit your local OTB, casino or racetrack and gamble for five minutes or five hours.

Here are a few other risk factors:

– Beginner’s luck after your initial gambling attempts

What Causes Gambling Problems Involving

– Boredom, loneliness or frustration

– Financial issues such as debt or low-income

– Experiencing traumatic experiences

– Existing addictions, such as drugs or alcohol

Identifying Problem Gambling

What causes gambling problems affect

What Causes Gambling Problems Solving

Even if the cause of your gambling addiction is never identified, you can seek treatment for problem gambling. Experts throughout New York State know the signs of problem gambling and can provide treatment to guide you toward your recovery.

If you have a gambling addiction, don’t hesitate to seek help. Contact an expert right now: 1-877-8-HOPENY.

What Causes Gambling Problems Since

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